This project consists of five photographs in response to questions, posed by artist claus ejner, who introduces the projects as follows:
It should be no secret that the idea for this exhibition, which has the form of an article, was inspired by an interview that the magazine Avalanche conducted in 1974 with visual artist Hans-Peter Feldmann. Here, Feldmann gets a lot of questions, all of which he answers with pictures!
It is exactly the same approach I use in this exhibition – 5 questions – but with the difference that I ask the same 5 questions to 4 artists, who then all have to answer with pictures. The artists are: Line Sandvad Mengers, Camilla Rasborg, Kristoffer Ørum and myself! And I am claus, and it is I who have selected the artists and formulated the questions.who for the publication Five questions
Publication and Online exhibition, I DO ART, 5 questions, claus ejner, 2021
Question 1) As an artist, you are probably left-leaning. Why?
In order to answer the questions from Claus Ejner, I used words from book titles to answer with both photographs and text.
Question 2) If you see how things are discussed on Facebook, you often get the feeling that people are no longer interested in entering into a dialogue with the people they are discussing with. These are often monologues in which the "ignorant" and "fact-resistant" are informed about the truth. Is it a picture you recognize and why is that?
In order to answer the questions from Claus Ejner, I used words from book titles to answer with both photographs and text.
Question 3) 3) If you have tried to look after an exhibition you have curated, you will know that there are virtually no visitors other than your friends and the friends of the participating artists. Why is contemporary art so unpopular among the general public? It is probably not wrong to say that contemporary art speaks in the language of its own time and is actually very communicative and should therefore be reasonably understandable.
In order to answer the questions from Claus Ejner, I used words from book titles to answer with both photographs and text.
Question 4) Why did you decide to become an artist?
In order to answer the questions from Claus Ejner, I used words from book titles to answer with both photographs and text.
Question 5) Joseph Kosuth has said: “There are no new forms only new meanings. An Artist is engaged in the making of meaning”. Do you agree with that?
In order to answer the questions from Claus Ejner, I used words from book titles to answer with both photographs and text.