

The title and the fond are both borrowed from the iconic heavy metal band, Iron Maiden. Invaders is the first track on their album The Number of the Beast.

Goldpaint on canvas (CCostumized sports T-shirt)

Made in relation to Walking Landscapes organisered by Metropolis – Københavns Internationale Teater and KunstCentret Silkeborg Bad. 

The Iron Maiden series I, 2021

Brave New World

Brave New World

This work was part of a nation wide interdisciplinary art project, where 110 artists walked and livestreamed in relation to different landscapes in Denmark.

The work relates to the context of Silkeborg Municipality, that currently unfolds a branding strategy as Denmarks Outdoor Capital.

The title of my contribution, Brave New World, is written letter by letter, hour by hour and consists of Walking, time, Brass letters and livestream. It’s a walk that relates to the mental and geographical landscape, where the title is borrowed from the iconic heavy metal band, Iron Maidens album from 2000. The album, Brave New Worlds, is inspired by Aldous Huxleys’ dystopisk novel from1934.

Walking Landscapes organisered by Metropolis – Københavns Internationale Teater with 12 municipalicities with support from Nordea-fonden. KunstCentret Silkeborg Bad. 

Brave New World, The Iron Maiden series II, 2021

Walking Landscapes